2 Adorable!

What is it with these guys that sometimes just makes ya wanna hug em reeeaaallllyyy tight?...I am talking TeddyBear Hug, ya know!! They might wanna come off as Rough and Tough, but they did a poor job on that in these pix bellow..maaaaan are they adorable or WHAT????...check 'em out:


Yeah, we want you too Brian :-p                                        Just look at them!!!                    



THAT face..+..and THAT shirt..+..and THAT cap...= adorable!!                               One of those smiles just makes ya day!                        





            "Drewl...Sigh"                   Wacko's..gotta love 'em



SO NO COMMEND needed with this one....I mean...OMG!!!!



A guy who is cuter than this puppet...can ya believe it???  :-))                                                    No Commend!            



                    Lucky girl who got THAT smile!!                            Oh Yeah....Come her and give daddy a Hug :-p



Bee and Nick in the old days.....sleeping...how cute is THAT???                    Brian and his grandmummy..aawww                                    



                            The Littrell Fam....He looks like his dad...doesn't he???                                                 Brian's Healthy HeartClub Photo

There should be a law for cuteness or something...look at him!!!!


I could SO wake up to this every morning!!!






DREWL ALLERT *WHIHIHIHIHIHIHI* it should be forbidden to look THIS Sweet!!!


I love this pixie, hope the girl had da time off her life!!


AAWW....this must be his "meeting my mother in Law Smile"....gotta love 'em like this


Sweet AND Sexy....a dangerous combination!!! DREWL :-p


Am I wrong, or is nick crying???......shall I start with the "AAWW" or will you???


Brotherly Love!!!!!!!!



Boys and their Toys.....:-p


Look at Nick....ist this "drewling-material"or what????


Yes...sign anything baby...my face...my belly...me boo...erm...well, you know what I mean..:-p


Aw......he would be a gr8 daddy..taking the kids to the park and all, grounding them when they beat him at basketball....*lol


He is just SO sweet, bless him!!!

Now THAT's the way WE like it!!!!!! Howcome kev is sexy with a top and Brian is just so cute?It's the smile....the boy has got the dreamiest smile EVA!!!!

Okay.....when I finished this page and looked it over....I noticed the that it's almost only Brian Pixies..*lol*....but hey,,,this is an Adorable Page..and that is just what he is....ADORABLE!!!!! (guess we'll see more Kevin and Nick Pix in the "Sexy Section":-p)